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Suivez nous Sophia, réseau belge des études de genre

+32 (0)2 229 38 69

Rue du Méridien 10, 1210 Bruxelles


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Unpacking and re-imagining family, care and community-making How can we envision a society where care, social reproduction, and community-building are safe, joyful, and accessible to everyone? FAMILY LABOR/ATORY is a one-day event that aims to unpack, question and explore family, care and community-making. We will gather to...

Genre & ESNU : Pour une intégration structurelle du genre dans l’enseignement supérieur non universitaire

Mémorandum en vue des élections du 9 juin 2024 Recommandations du Réseau Genre et Enseignement Supérieur Non Universitaire (ESNU) et pistes d’actions à l’intention des futur·e·s responsables politiques Téléchargez le texte ici Historique du réseau Genre et ESNU est né au sein de Sophia, le réseau bi-communautaire de coordination des...


A day of workshops, discussions, and exhibitions on alternative ways of doing justice. What is our collective responsibility in perpetuating systems that foster injustice?  Transforming Justice is a one-day festival that aims to explore an alternative approach to justice. We will gather to re-imagine a future that...

OPEN CALL: Transforming Justice

Our next event in October 2023 will explore how we can transform our approach to justice in today's society. By examining the possible meanings of justice from different intersectional viewpoints, we aim to highlight the link between individual justice and collective liberation through engaging in...


BREAKING THE STIGMA OF SEX WORK Sophia and UTSOPI have joined forces to create an event all about sex work! The Price of Pleasure seeks to raise awareness and nuance the social debate around sex work in times of decriminalisation. We're breaking away at existing stigmas by...