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Gender at Belgian universities

Gender at Belgian universities

On 11 September 2020, Sophia, the Belgian Gender Studies Network, funded by the Institute of Equality for Women and Men, organised an online event for policy officers working on gender equality at Belgian universities. The aim of this meeting was to facilitate connections and synergies between French- and Dutch-speaking peers and exchange good practices.

This report contains the main outcomes of the three sessions during which participants exchanged ideas and shared their projects, activities, and inspiring practices.

  1. Gender, academic career and human resources
  2. Gender, research and education
  3. Gender, sexism and harassment

Sophia is committed to give greater visibility to gender equality plans and contribute to the development of more inclusive policies at the Belgian universities.

In order to establish a platform for policy and knowledge exchange betweendifferent stakeholders, we will continue to organise regular meetings. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you would like to be involved: info@sophia.be.